Leisure in Retirement Beyond the Bucket List

With nearly 10,000 boomers retiring each day, a profoundly di erent portrait of leisure in retirement is emerging—a new leisure that is both transformed and transformative in its power to shape our lives in retirement. Three forces are converging to help create this revolution:

1. The "Age Wave": Life expectancy is at an all-time high and the ranks of the retired are growing dramatically.

2. Time Affuence: As boomers retire from a workaholic culture, they will swell the ranks of American adults age 65+ in this “time affluent” stage of life    (FIG 1).

3. New Beginnings: Rather than viewing retirement as the finish line, nine out of ten (88%) retirees now describe it as an opportunity for new beginnings, bringing greater freedom and flexibility and o en an entirely new state of mind.